
Back Unturned Brewing Co.

is the dream I am not turning my back on.
As an inspirational brewpub, we are showing others
to not turn their back on their dreams, one beer at a time.

Our family immigrated to the United States in 1981 in search of the American Dream. With little money and no English, mom & dad made the American dream happen through hard work and commitment. We never took any government aid, my parents just worked.

Growing up, I was the slow fat kid nobody wanted on their team. I had a teacher tell my mom I would never make it in life since I was bad academically. I was even in ESL (English as a Second Language). I was bullied growing up and it was emotionally painful. It still hurts to think about what I was called.

I had a horrible attitude from the age of 15 to 30 with about 15 different jobs. I lacked focus and it took me 10x longer than most people to get things done. I gave up over and over when things got hard.

I earned a Bachelor’s Degree from one of the top Entrepreneurship programs in the nation and a Master’s degree from Texas A&M. The best education I received in life was watching my parents work and live the American Dream.

At the age of 33 with a wife, kids and a great paying job I realized I was not following my passion. So I invested in myself with personal development training and discovered that owning a brewery is what I wanted to do. Four and a half years later we opened in November 2019.

There are so many variables that are missing from this story. The point to take away from this is pursue your passion or dream, learn how to monetize it and commit for the long run even when it gets really hard. It will take longer than you think, cost more than you realize and you will feel very lonely, a lot. You will have anxiety and wonder why you decided to pursue this path. It’s harder than you will ever realize and it is ALL worth it. You will feel fulfilled and will be able to help others.

We have one life here on earth so, don’t waste it. God puts these dreams in your heart for a reason.

I had no restaurant experience or professional brewing experience and my wife & I had very little money.

I am here to show what is possible, we have only been open 4 years surviving a pandemic shutdown, economic issues, ongoing construction around our location and folks trying to cancel us for a simple mistake.

Stick with it! You have great purpose here and are reading this for a reason.

Do you remember when we were kids how big our dreams were? We dreamed of becoming sports players, artists, pyrotechnicians (at least for me), custom car builders, singers and to be rich and famous! I mean, we really dreamed it up big time and there was no limit to what we could do or be. Somewhere along the way we’re told to get our heads out of the clouds and dreams get tossed in the trash in an attempt to find a “safe” path for our lives. But I am proof that you don’t have to let those big dreams go and so many other people are as well through mental toughness.

God bless and thank you for supporting our little family business!

Thank you God, mom & dad for pushing me to not give up! My amazing wife for all the support and what she had to put up with. Evelyn, Anabelle and Joaquin don’t ever give up, quit or use some bullshit excuse as to why you didn’t make it happen, ever. Love you all!

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